Our Story
"And this gospel of the KINGDOM will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
Matthew 24:14
Our story began in the summer of August 2014 when Pastor Washington along with his wife assembled a small group of friends and colleagues to share about God’s call to start a church. From this gathering a team was built and committed the next two years to developing and implementing a plan to launch a church.
Pastor Washington’s burden both over the plight of Chicago’s inner-city and the church’s lack of missional involvement, led to a Bible study that revealed the missing piece. That piece was the Kingdom of God.
The church would therefore be called Kingdom Covenant Church. Kingdom was a label to constantly remind us that churches exists to advance God’s kingdom and not its own.
The kingdom of God is a biblical phrase meant to convey the idea of God being ruler over our lives, our homes, our communities and our world. As a church we exist to gather God’s people to build His kingdom.